Social media that
puts you ahead

Put the ‘social’ back
into your social media

Social media is all about starting conversations, and building relationships and trust in your brand.

For parents of young children today, it isn’t just a place to tell friends they’ve had a bad day, or to share funny memes. They rely on it to find out what other parents think of the brands they’re interested in.

And increasingly, it’s how they communicate with companies to get the information they’re looking for. Forget phone calls, a phone’s number 1 use is no longer to actually speak to somebody!

So as a children’s activity provider, social media should be a key part of your overall marketing strategy.

The great social media dilemma

But which platforms should you use? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIn, TikTok?

You want to be where your customers are – both current and potential – that’s for sure. And you need to consider B2B networking, too. But the platforms you choose must be the right ones for your business.

Given the amount of time it takes to manage your social media profiles well, the platforms you’re on need to deliver maximum return on investment – both on your time, and any money you spend on advertising.

And frustratingly, just when you think you’ve got the hang of how a platform works, its algorithm mysteriously changes, which can really put a spanner in the works.

Build love for your brand with the people that matter

I’ve over 9 years’ experience in crafting targeted content for children’s activity providers that creates a buzz among parents and parents-to-be.

So if you’re looking to grow your business and want to explore the social media landscape further, or need help building love for your brand with the people that matter, get in touch with me at Memory Marketing. I love helping businesses in the children’s activities sector put the ‘social’ back into social media!

What are you waiting for?